Science Hill Senior, Kristin Kudialis, wins American Legion Oratory Contest

The 87th Annual American Legion Oratory Contest, 1st District level, was held at the Kings Mountain Post 24, 409 E. Market Street, Johnson City, on Saturday, 20 Jan 2018. Caleb Proffitt, a freshman at David Crockett High School, was the runner up.

Students competed in two segments. The first was a prepared original oration on some aspect of the US Constitution. The second phase was one of four designated topics, this year’s randomly chosen topic was on the 15th Amendment: The "right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.” Students were evaluated based on originality, accuracy and delivery.

Kristin Kudialis will now compete at the Divisional level on 10 February in Knoxville and hopefully on to the State/Department contest in March.

Respectfully submitted,
Bryan Lauzon
Post Commander
(904) 568-4109 (cell)